Sam the Jack Russell Rescue Dog Keeps Fit- what an energetic cutie.
We are pleased that this month’s theme for BlogPaws is keeping fit with your dog. Canine and human health and obesity are huge issues. January is the perfect month to tackle them and look for inspiration.
Meet Sam, a 5 year old multi-talented canine trick dog, who’s always ready to tackle whatever comes next. She knows over 300 tricks and cues, from rolling on top of an exercise ball to skateboarding to blowing bubbles under water. Seems like there is nothing she can’t do.
Sam was adopted November 15th and her owner says they have been inseparable ever since.
“She is always willing to try anything and everything with me and can always be seen tagging-along for the fun.”
Sounds like owner and dog keep fit and have fun together. Learning and performing tricks can be great for mental and physical exercise and fitness (as I know well from working with my greedy little rescue pug Kilo). Sam loves tricks and making people laugh with her adorable little attitude and funny antics.
Terri explained, she “started training Sam the day I brought her home, after a few weeks she knew sit, down, stay, roll over, and High Five. She caught on to tricks so fast that I looked up more on Positive Reinforcement and Clicker Training. I knew I had to give her a little more of a Challenge. At around 6 months old she taught herself to bring stuff to me- and drop in on my feet. Anytime she wanted to train she would bring the treat bag to me. “
Terri’s Training Tips:
Training Tip 1.
Training Tip 2.
Training Tip 3.
If she is not performing tricks she can be found chasing bugs, playing games and with her toys, digging in the dirt, doing sports and going on adventures. She stays fit and active with games and sports such as:Playing Fetch, Lure-Coursing, Frisbee/Disc, Hide-and-Seek, Walking, Digging, Canine Freestyle and Traveling.
Sam‘s favorite trick
Sam‘s favorite trick would have to be hide her face- she does this trick so much without me giving her the command. It gets lots of laughs when shes performing her tricks. She even came up with hiding her face when she does her handstand against the wall, which leads to one of her newest tricks we are working on her somersault.
Sam‘s hardest trick
I think the hardest trick Sam learned would be walking on top of her exercise ball- she had to gain a lot of trust with the ball and then learn to walk backwards on it. It took her about a month to catch on and get used to jumping up on the ball and walking backwards. Then we had to build distance which was a little harder for her to not have my hand on the ball, but she eventually just offered the command one training session and jumped on the ball and walked to me all by herself. She is now very confident and can walk on the ball about 10ft. That is one of her most popular tricks and definitely up there on her favorite tricks to do list!
Check out this talented Jack Russell’s newest video where she demonstrates dog tricks that are very useful around the house.
Visit Sam on FaceBook
How cute is little Sam just makes you smile looking at those beautiful eyes~
Oh how cute and handy to have around the house! Did Sam really fetch a roll of TP? BOL! That had to be the best!
Wow, that is one clever dog and such a cutie!
I just love the energy and intelligence of the JRTs. Sam looks like one amazing dog!
Sam looks beyond adorable in that wonder woman costume!
Great little dog!
That video had me laughing! I want a dog that can Swiffer my floors! 🙂
Oh my goodness, Sam is so talented and what an absolutely adorable dog!
Sam, you are a cutie! 🙂
Sam is adorable and so talented. How did she learn so many tricks after only being adopted in November? I adopted a puppy in December and all she’s learned is how to sit and lay down. I feel a little inadequate.
LOL I got Kilo in August and he won’t do anything without a treat right in front of his nose. He certainly is not helpful- lucky he is cute. XS
oh how engaging… that’s one sweet JR
LEeAnna at not afraid of color
I love Sam! I need to start working with my Chi on losing weight. Of my 3 dogs, she’s the only one that’s a chubster,
Love that first nose photo! Being a hound, I have a thing for noses.
Atka has a blanket made with that same pattern! It’s his favorite 🙂
We know her! We follow her on FB =) Happy WW!
What a cutie! Sam sure knows some impressive tricks! *wags* – Gilligan from
That’s right people! She’s got beauty, brains and talent!
I love to read other people’s approach to teaching their dogs. It’s refreshing and forces me to take a step back and evaluate my own process.
Happy hopping!
What a great story! Thanks for sharing!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
I need new trick ideas so I’m definitely going to get inspiration from the video. Sam is very talented!
JRTs are such energetic and smart dogs. Trick training is a great way to keep them out of trouble. 🙂
She’s such a beautiful dog – and seriously impressive with all those tricks. I love the useful tricks, and I love seeing how focused she is on her owner. JRTs are awesome for dedicated owners – they’ve got so much mental and physical energy. And when you say she was adopted in November you mean just this past November? Seriously that’s amazing.