Must See BlogPaws 2016 Event Photos For Dog Lovers

Susie and wonderful BlogPaws Team on the Red Carpet – Carol, Chloe, Yvonne and all the other planners, speakers, supporters and sponsors THANKS!
On June 23-25, the 8th Annual BlogPaws conference was held in Phoenix, AZ. I couldn’t wait to connect in person with my blogging pals and brands as we celebrated pets.
The Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse was a great venue and they welcomed everyone, including pets, with amazing hospitality. This was my second year attending BlogPaws and it was even better than last year. Unfortunately Kilo the Pug is not a great traveller and would have got too stressed, but I couldn’t forget to bring flat Kilo!
BlogPaws is a 3-day conference that’s packed with great educational sessions led by industry professionals, networking with influencers, a busy exhibit hall of vendors, exciting brand events, and of course, lots of pets. The human-animal bond and the love of pets remains at the heart of the BlogPaws community since launching in 2010.
Last year, the buzz on social media alone from the 2015 conference reached 75.9 million people with 3.7 million engaged. It’s a hot spot for pet industry influencers, to say the least. I have been a part of the wonderful BlogPaws community for just over 2 years, visiting other blogs and Facebook Groups daily and getting to know the dogs and people who make it so special. I couldn’t wait to see everyone and to meet new influencers. The benefit and opportunity of meeting people in person and being able to put a face to a name is priceless.
This year was particularly special as I was a nominee for Best Pet Video in the fabulous Nose-to-Nose Awards. I felt like a winner walking the red carpet and networking with fellow nominees.

What an inspiring group. In fact, I was so inspired by awesome winner Kristen from the Daily Pip that we did a follow-up interview about her rescue efforts and motivation.

Here’s a great photo of my fellow weekly blog hop pals on the Nose To Nose Red carpet. Check out: Spence The Doodle, Oz_theTerrier, Sugar the golden retriever, my pawsitive pet, mk_clinton, Caluvsdogs, The Playful Kitty and k9 carry all.
I got to see my pal and our lovely contest winner M K Clinton and her family.
I met one of my biggest mentors, the very generous Kimberly from Keep the Tail Wagging in person. I love her attitude and energy. Plus caught up with Cathy from Groovy GoldenDoodles and Bernard from BlogPaws and Dog and His Boy. You can tell we were having a laugh.
I loved seeing incredibly talented trick dogs and trainers I follow on YouTube and other media : Just Jesse, Tiffany’s Diamond Dogs and Jasmine. How lucky they live near Phoenix.

What a treat seeing Larry Kay who does so much for Rescues on his Positively Woof Facebook Page (Kilo the Rescue Pug gained 1000 followers after a feature as Dog of the week). I was very happy to see him receive a special award!
An event never seems quite complete without a catch-up or even better a few dance moves with PR dynamo Dana.

Great to chat about getting your pet into showbusiness in person with gorgeous agent Kama and her beautiful well-trained pets. See our post where we had quoted her here.
Going through all the photos I took I couldn’t believe how many great people and pets I got to share my second conference with. It was amazing to meet everyone and I hope you enjoy reliving the glitz and glam of the red carpet and the fun!
BlogPaws was SO much fun! It was great seeing you. You shot some great photos! I think you caught everyone on camera.
Doesn’t Oz look real! Loved seeing you again-such fun.
I love your pics and that we got to hang out twice this year so far. Exciting~
Thanks Carol- I love the photos and loved hanging out too. Wonderful events. Hugs to your fam.
You sure got some amazing photos! Love flat Kilo too! I hope to go next year… all paws crossed!
Oh Susan it looks like you had a wonderful time at BlogPaws conference! How lucky were you to get to meet this wonderful group of people in person. And congratulations on your nomination!
I will be looking forward to attending my very first conference in 2017.
Wasn’t BlogPaws fun! We aim to be there in 2018 and look forward to seeing so many of our wonderful friends again!!!!!
Love these pictures! Makes me want to go back…wait, I already bought my ticket, YAY!
I had my flat pet with me too! This year was my first. It was such a wonderful event and I can’t wait for next year!
Mommy had such a great time at BlogPaws this year and she can’t wait till next year.
Oooh, I love these pictures!! I really hope I will be able to join next year!! I almost can’t wait 😀 !
Thanks for sharing the great photos. I couldn’t make it this year, but will be there in 2017. I can’t wait!
Thanks for sharing this recap and photos! I can’t wait to go in 2017!
Oh I love this! I feel like the event was so long ago already! It was amazing meeting you in person. These pis were really fun to look at – what an awesome event!!! Hope you’re well and your travels were enjoyable . “see” you soon!!
My travels were great thanks- loved meeting you in person too!
It looks like it was so much fun! I have been having fun just looking at all the photos and recognizing different pets and their people.
BlogPaws was great. It was wonderful meeting you. Hope to see you in SC next year.
Lovely pictures. I see a lot of familiar faces! It was great meeting you.
So great to meet you and Mr N in person – he is just the cutest (don’t tell Kilo)
I have all the jealous. I was so very sad to miss BP again this year. Looks like everyone had a fabulous time.
We were sad you did not make it- I would have loved to meet you in person Jodi. I love your site.
Great post, wonderful photos, thanks so much for mentioning me! I enjoyed meeting you in person so much, hope to see you at next year’s conference or possibley before then!
Love & biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
It was so great meeting you at BlogPaws this year! I love this post! I helped to bring back wonderful memories. Thank you for sharing your photos and I hope to see you again next year!