A Love Letter to My Dog
Dear Kilo,
I’m writing to tell you how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you in my life. Before you joined my family, you belonged to four others. Now you have found your forever home and rescued me.
Each day with you is a blessing. Your enthusiasm, pug hugs and pug kisses bring me so much joy every morning. You always know how to make me smile. You get me up from the computer every hour or two to walk. You show me the value of play. You snuggle me at night while I watch TV. You entertain me with your antics and mischief. You love everything I cook for you. You give me purpose training you (and you have already come a long way). You have taught me not to sweat little things and to keep positive.
Although you may not be perfect, you are perfect for me.
Love Susie
Join The #iheartmydog Campaign
Post your love letter on social media using the hashtag #iheartmydog and Support Canine Companions for Independence, an Organization That Provides Highly Trained Assistance Dogs to Those Who Need Them.
Merial, the makers of Heartgard are teaming up with Canine Companions for Independence to raise awareness about Heartworm prevention and raise money to provide assistance dogs to those who need them!
For every love letter to your dog that is shared via social media with the hashtag #iheartmydog, Merial will donate a$1, up to $150,000, to Canine Companions for Independence so that they can provide assistance dogs to people with disabilities.
Read More posts about why dogs are the best, particularly Kilo the Pug:
10 Reasons I Choose Dogs Over Diamonds
Best Friend Quotes and 20 Photos
Beautiful Susy loves her Dad and he loves her
Excerpts of Famous Love Letters
If all that I have said and done, and am still but too ready to say and do, have not sufficiently proved what my real feelings are and must be ever towards you, my love, I have no other proof to offer. Lord Byron
My heart is full of so many things to say to you – ah – there are moments when I feel that speech amounts to nothing at all Cheer up – remain my true, my only treasure, my all as I am yours. Ah, wherever I am, there you are also Much as you love me – I love you more Ludwig von Beethoven
You have touched me more profoundly than I thought even you could have touched me – my heart was full when you came here today. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
My adorable and adored I have been asking myself every moment if such happiness is not a dream. It seems to me that what I feel is not of earth. I cannot yet comprehend this cloudless heaven. My whole soul is yours. Victor Hugo
Read more:https://www.romantic-ideas-online.com/famous-love-letters.html#ixzz3gS1Ptape
Lines from Love Songs
“Forever and ever, you’ll stay in my heart/And I will love you/Forever and ever, we never will part/Oh, how I love you/Together, forever, that’s how it must be/To live without you/Would only mean heartbreak for me” Aretha Franklin – I Say a Little Prayer
“Look into my eyes, you will see/What you mean to me/Search your heart, search your soul/And when you find me there/You’ll search no more” Bryan Adams – (Everything I Do) I Do It for You
“And I hope life, will treat you kind/And I hope that you have all/That you ever dreamed of/Oh, I do wish you joy/And I wish you happiness/But above all this/I wish you love/I love you, I will always love you” Whitney Houston – I Will Always Love You
Dog Songs and Video Tributes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QYbAAsaCCkRead more:https://www.romantic-ideas-online.com/famous-love-letters.html#ixzz3gS0FNa83
Check out our list of Top Dog Songs
Comment Below and tell us why you love your dog and join the #iheartmydog Campaign on social media. Add links to your favorite love song, video or poem to be included.
A Love Letter To My Dogs
Since I have more than one dog; sharing my love for them is different as each one needs a little more or less cuddles. I like to give them some one on one time.
Dear Sweetie, you have made my life full of love and joy and I wouldn’t change it for anything. You came into my life when I needed someone to be there and you made my life whole.
Dear Lulu, remembering you being born was something like no other; watching you pick on your brother was something, but I love you no matter what you sure can make my life crazy, but I wouldn’t change it for anything…
Dear Shivers, you have done things like I never dream of a dog can do; you have giving me hope that there is more to life than just a walk in the park. Sometimes you can get a little crazy when it comes to water, but that is just you and something I wouldn’t change.
Love you my girls
Beautiful words Marcy. Thank you for sharing. We love Sweetie, Shivers and Lulu and are very glad you all came into our life
Oh what a sweet and moving post! You are both very lucky to have each other.
Thank you so much Lisa
Love this!
Just posted on Instagram and Twitter. Mom and I have a great happy shot of us right after I got my NW1 Title on Saturday. We even wear matching outfits!
Yay that’s so cool
This is such a cute campaign! I bet Kilo loved hearing every word of that letter. I hope that a lot of dog owners are participating and helping to raise the funds. 🙂
What a sweet letter to Kilo. I didn’t realize that he had four previous homes. HE had a hard time finding you! ♥
What a great event! Our dogs are our family and we love them to pieces!
What a great campaign! Loved your letter, wow 4 homes, poor kilo he had to go through some to find the best one with you
What a sweet letter! Thanks for letting us know about the campaign! I’ll try to remember to participate tomorrow!
Excellent- mission accomplished.
Very beautiful, touching and sweet – I will do this, join the writing, this weekend; and have shared it via Twitter!
Hmmm….I swore I commented on this already LOL!!! Sorry if this is a double, but I don’t see my comment now SO……this was fantastic!!!! Absolutely beautiful!
Just about sums it all up. A Beautiful letter to Kilo.
Also we have nominated you to participate in the 8 photos of happiness challenge. Stop by for details
What a sweet letter to Kilo! I’ll have to write one for Mr. N.
This is a great love letter – pets are such wonderful companions. We are lucky to share our lives with them.
Love this post. I love my dogs so much that sometimes I can’t get over it myself!
Kilo is so lucky to have found you. I see a lot of similarities between Kilo & my dog Laika – and I think there’s so much room for a strong bond to form when our dogs have certain quirks. The more time I spend with Laika actively training the more I understand why I find her to be my special heart dog.
What a beautiful love letter to Kilo! This is such a great initiative, I’ve got to do mine asap!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Aww that was so cute! So glad you and Kilo are together 🙂
I heart my dog so much that I trademarked the quote, “My heart beats dog.” This is beautiful!