Disc Dogs are Fit Dogs
DISC or FRISBEE (a brand of flying disc) can be a great way to bond with your active dog and engage their natural drives.
Last weekend, were in a park filming a scene for the promo for our new web series “The Backseat Barkers”. One of our stars, Nana the Border Collie, loves Disc.
We filmed Nana making some great chases and catches. Her trainer can throw really well which helps. Our actress made things a bit more challenging for Nana as she is less experienced.
Here is a trick video of amazing Nana.
Many dogs love to run, jump, chase and retrieve. Some breeds like Border Collies and Australian Shepherds need to work. They love to please and play with you. Playing disc can be very rewarding and great exercise for you and your dog.
You can do Disc for fun in the park, or participate in organized classes, groups, events and competitions.
You can go for distance and height, and even add in some choreographed canine freestyle moves and flavour like some of the talented teams who performed in our Talent Show at Canadian Pet Expo, All About Pets, All About Dogs and RuffSport.
Check out DogsDogsDogs editor Tom, and trainer Brittany at All About Dogs– super talented teams
Check out trainer Heather McLeod from RUFFSPORT with her high flying Disc Dogs!
We were amazed how high some of the dogs can jump, how fast they can chase and how well they can catch. Check out super talented disc and trick dogs Hero the Super Collie, Lottie, Rev, Kowboy Fred, Callie, Mia and more in this video.
Tips To Get Started
Check with your vet before starting any exercise program or sport. Make sure your dog is old enough, healthy enough and suited for strenuous activity. They should not be jumping too high or running too far before 12months old.
- Find a Disc that is suitable for Canine Play.
- Practise throwing a little yourself.
- Introduce the disc to your dog in a non-threatening way . Get down on dog level and get your dog interested in tracking and grabbing the disc. Use lots of praise and rewards.
- Start with short throws and build both your skills.
Above all – have fun!
Here are some photos of our Talent Hounds community members and pals enjoying Disc:
Get out to your local park and see how high your dog can jump! Little Alex below is a big leaper.
You can play with a disc in the winter as well as the summer like Hero and others!
Spend time with your dog getting active. Join the Fit Dog Friday Blog Hop and share ideas, photos and challenges:
Wow – what great action shots. I love watching dogs fly through the air like that. My guys are so grounded, they don’t even like jumping into the car…and they LOVE car rides. Thanks for sharing and thanks for joining the Hop.
Great action shots. Chester won’t chase anything except kitties and Gretel doesn’t have much of a drive either….although she will chase the ball. I admire the athletic ability of dogs like this.
Your wieners sure are cute and I’m sure Chester and Gretel have their own talents too- great they are keeping fit. Loved your adventure pics in Woodland Park.
I love watching flying disc dogs work…it’s poetry in motion
They are amazing aren’t they
You inspired us to run outside with the frisbee for a few! Rocco’s still too young to jump up and catch but he’ll chase one and bring it back. Love the photos!
Diane and Rocco
Thanks. So glad- have a great weekend.
We really wish Shasta would play fetch!! Great videos and pics!!
We love watching disc stuff on TV. Fun to watch but nothing we would ever do ourselves.
Yay for active dogs!! One of my daily dog walking clients is an Australian Shepherd who LOVES playing frisbee. We’ll spend the first 10-15 minutes of our 30 min visit racing around the yard, playing frisbee non-stop. I use 3 different frisbees with Benny so that there’s ongoing exercise for him.
Such great action shots and great exercise.
Wow, Nana and Hero are amazing canine athletes! Great videos, thanks for sharing. I wish my Husky like playing with a Frisbee but she wants no part of it!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them