Happy Birthday Kilo the Pug (3) & Sugar the Golden(14) !
Last week was Kilo the Pug’s Birthday. I was away visiting family in BC and wasn’t able to be with him on his actual day. However, I had the perfect way to make it up to my favorite pug. I decided to celebrate with lots of delicious treats. Yesterday was Sugar’s 14th Barkday so we are thrilled to be celebrating virtually-Sugar’s Mom has some wonderful recipes and birthday ideas.
Is your dog’s birthday coming up? Check out these healthy, easy and down right delicious recipes your dog will love!
Kilo the Pug’s Birthday Party Menu with Ridiculously Easy Recipes:
1) Rice with Carrots, Cauliflower and Chicken
Recipe :
Stir shredded Barbecued Chicken breast meat or minced chicken, steamed brown rice (I use the Uncle Ben’s minute rice packages), chopped carrots and cauliflower with a little water and olive oil in a pan then put in a small round bowl.
Squish in firmly and leave for a few minutes until ready to serve, then turn upside down and tip onto plate (delicious for human guests too).
2) Yummy Banana, Carrot and Coconut Cupcakes for Dogs or Pupcakes (See recipe HERE)
I have to admit I bought the birthday bone cookie and the “pizza” slice at my local pet store, but look how cute they are!
3) Tropical Mango, Watermelon, Banana and Coconut Pup-sicles
I love making frozen treats for my dog and my human family. They are so easy and simple to make and they are a great tasting but low-fat choice. They also help hydrate and cool down your dog.
I vary ingredients depending what I have available. I mix in the blender fruits like Mango chunks, Watermelon slices (I remove seeds and skin), Berries, and Banana with either plain water or a mix of a little coconut water or even a tiny bit of orange juice if I happen to have some available.
I keep the mix quite watery so not too much sugar. I blend until almost smooth with a few chunks for texture. I sometimes add a tiny bit of low-fat natural Greek Yoghurt. I then pour into popsicle trays or cookie trays and freeze for a few hours.
4) Banana and peanut butter ice cream
Kilo loves banana and peanut butter. I put half a banana, a few spoonfuls of natural low-fat Greek Yoghurt yoghurt and a tablespoon or two of smooth peanut butter into the blender until smooth with little chunks of banana.
I spooned the mixture into a cookie tray and put in the freezer for a few hours until quite firm.
His feast turned out so well! My daughter, Angela and I all tasted the treats with Kilo. He went for his ice cream bar first, then the Pupcake then the rice meal. I actually spread the celebration over several days so he did not eat the rest immediately and get sick.
Due to Kilo’s anxiety issues, his dog guests like Bocker Labradoodle were of the plush toy variety and Sugar was virtual. I don’t think he minded one bit. It just meant more for him and my undivided attention!
What’s on your dog’s Ultimate Birthday Party Menu?

Those look really delicious and not all that hard to make. My dogs send thanks to you.
Wow, Kilo, that is quite the menu you have there! It all looks beautiful and sounds delicious! Happy belated birthday!
Thanks Emma. It sure tasted good. I’m still enjoying the pupsicles.