Smiley The Blind Therapy Dog RIP
Smiley was a completely blind fifteen year old gorgeous golden retriever who made everyone he met smile.
We first met Smiley and his Mom Joanne over 6 years ago with our friends at Dog Guru. Several members of the TV production team actually cried with happiness as we took the photo above and filmed his beautiful trademark smile. There was something truly special about him, even beyond his soft coat, lovely face and gentle nature. The world smiled with him.
We have featured Smiley in our Talent Hounds one hour documentary and in the Dogs Make a Difference TV episode, and we will feature what we learned from him in a new TV special about how Kids and Dogs go well together.

Smiley’s History- from Puppy Mill to Loving Family and Friends
Smiley was born in a puppy-mill, without eyes. He lived there for two miserable years before being adopted by his family thirteen years ago.
His Mom Joanne was working as a vet tech at the time. She was sent to the puppy-mill and she and her co-workers rescued Smiley. They tried to find him a home but no one wanted to adopt him. Joanne was convinced to care for him and decided to try to prove that blind dogs can do anything “normal” dogs can.
All dogs are born blind. For two weeks they rely on their mothers and their other senses as they start to see. Smiley’s eyes never developed so he never got sight which may have been a consequence of dwarfism which also affected his appearance. His closed eyes, wide mouth and large teeth make him look like he is grinning happily. He looks to Joanne for help, but also uses his other senses like smell, hearing and touch. Dogs have extraordinary senses of smell and great hearing, much better than humans.
Smiley had infections when he came to live with Joanne and had to undergo a few procedures to lessen the pain. For any dog, adapting to a new environment can be hard, especially if they grew up in a puppy mill. Training Smiley to life in his new home was a challenge at first, as he was used to such a limited life in a cage. Even things like a phone ringing and grass were new. He went to work with her at the veterinary clinic. He could not be left home alone, was afraid to ride in a car, and was very withdrawn. Under Joanne’s care, he gradually learned to overcome some of his fears. Joanne had another dog at the time, a Great Dane named Tyler, who helped a lot with Smiley’s transition and teaching.

Smiley was at Joanne’s side for her key milestones like getting married and having her human son Shepherd. He was the best friend, son and brother anyone could hope for.
Today his brothers, including older Border Collie Pip, boy Shepherd, and puppy Pal (RIP), had his back.
Our talented mutual friend Hero the Super Collie also had his back.

His adopted younger brother Pal was also blind. Joanne explained that they rescued Pal the puppy from Istanbul, sickly and without eyes, and went through the challenges of a new home life again. Smiley made sure Pal felt cared for and not alone or lost. Unfortunately Pal could not overcome his illnesses.

We were very sad as Smiley reached the end of his journey – the vet found masses on his stomach and liver. Our thoughts and love continue with his family.

He now has an adorable new blind brother Sunny who is helping continue his legacy.
See Potential not Disabilities
Smiley did not let the fact that he was blind stop him from doing normal doggy things and more. Smiley never let his disability stand in his way and lived a very good active life. He ran and played on their property and went on lots of adventures with his family.

Why Smiley Made Such a Good Therapy Dog
We are big believers in the physical and mental benefits of Therapy Dogs. There is such strong evidence that looking at and patting a dog can increase feelings of well being and reduce stress. Smiley was a St. John Ambulance therapy dog and he also visited schools for anti-bullying programs.
Joanne explained that therapy dogs must be good with socializing and must be able to interact with strangers and children. They must have good manners with anyone. Smiley visited with children as well as the elderly and the environments and energy levels were different.
Smiley helped the kids because he connected with them. He helped them understand that it’s OK to be different. He showed that he overcame challenges and they can as well, even if their challenge is something like doing math.
Joanne believes Smiley was bullied and bitten by other dogs at the Puppy Mill as he had a few scars. Joanne says she tells the kids about Smiley’s scars and blindness and uses that to relate to bullying and human abilities or differences. He was a wonderful role model. He didn’t judge and was there for them. Sunny is following in his foosteps.
Smiley’s Book
Smiley has a book which is a collection of pictures and short stories about his life. Joanne (pictured with Sunny and the book) frequently does meet and greets like today in Oshawa May 11, 2019 from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM at the McLaughlin Branch Auditorium Oshawa Public Library. You can find out about them through the facebook page below.
Other merchandise like bobble heads and T-shirts are occasionally available too, with revenue used for vet bills and other expenses.
Follow Social Smiley
Smiley is extremely popular online. Smiley can be found on Instagram @smileytheblindtherapydog and Facebook at Smiley The Blind Therapy Dog. The many pictures posted and shared are a nice collection of all that he has overcome and done for others.
What a beautiful post! Therapy Dogs are amazing but Smiley is one extra special Therapy Dog! Thanks for sharing his story – the wonderful work he’s doing.
Love & biscuits
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Smiley is an amazing dog and this is a lovely tribute to him. Despite his terrible puppyhood, he’s accomplished so much in his life and brought so much joy!
Omg, I remember hearing about him!! What a cutie. I’m so happy that Smiley is making so many others feel joy.
Smiley is such a gorgeous pup! I love how positive his outlook is to life and so glad that he found a great home and now siblings too!
What a wonderful story, made me smile :o) Smiley is a beautiful soul, thank you for sharing his story, made my heart melt.
What a wonderful, feel good story about a truly inspirational dog. I love the work he is doing. An animal with special needs has such an impact on both kids and adults. His human has taken it even further by teaching anti bullying with him. AMAZING!
I love “seeing potential, not disabilities.” What a wonderful approach. Smiley was very lucky someone cared enough to rescue him and give him a wonderful home.
Oh my, what an amazing story! I am in tears! I will be praying for him and his wonderful family. Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful story of love, kindness and using God’s gifts for the good of others.
This is the the most beautiful article i have read. Love Smiley and miss him. So glad Joamne is still sharing his story with us