The 4 Gifts for Pets Giveaway Hop is sponsored by CleverPet. Two of my other 4 gifts below were also sponsored and contain affiliate links. The opinions and ideas in this post are my own and are uninfluenced by any other person or business. The individual sponsors are responsible for their giveaway prizes including shipping. The Giveaway is open to residents of US and Canada (Ex Quebec) where legal. Canadian winner may need to pay duty on the CleverPet Hub.
I started fostering Kilo the Pug 3 years ago. He is my baby and probably a little bit spoilt (my husband and kids are laughing at the understatement). We celebrate Christmas and I enjoy giving him gifts, but I do not want to waste time and money buying gifts he does not need this year. When Jodi from Kohl’s Notes told me about the idea of picking only “4 Gifts for Pets” adapted from the similar concept for kids, it really appealed to me. You choose something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read (or in the case of Kilo who can not read much, something to Eat). It made me really think about what Kilo wants and needs and what I can afford.
Plus I loved the idea of joining with Kohl’s Notes and a group of other awesome bloggers to share the 4 Gifts concept, some great gift ideas and some great prizes.
What 4 Fabulous Gifts Did I Choose For Kilo?
It was hard to narrow down, especially the Want and Eat. Of course Kilo is a Pug, so for him Eating and Playing are his priorities in life. He always wants and needs treats, chews and new toys and games.
WANT: The CleverPet Hub.
I really want to try this electronic dog puzzle. It’s like a game consul for dogs with different levels. It looks great fun and great stimulation and it gives treats. The Kohl’s Notes crew give it a big paws up. I know Kilo would love it so it is top of the list. You can see a video here.
CleverPet Hub – Exercise Your Pet’s Mind + Body
NEED: The Furbo
I received one to try for free and love it. It not only lets me see and talk to Kilo while I am travelling, but I can throw him treats so he loves it too – see full review here. Every dog needs one of these. You can buy one through my link at a discount:
WEAR: New Harness
Kilo is hard to buy for because of his shape. He pulls on walks and wriggles out of some harnesses. He had a red Buddy Belt which I liked but it only lasted 18 months and was rather expensive. I just bought this Kurgo one which fits well at a charity auction for the Toronto Humane Society – WIN WIN. I may also try the Sleepy Pod safety-tested ones. You can buy a Kurgo one through my link today:
EAT: Bullwrinkles Bully Sticks

These delicious healthy chews are produced locally near Toronto and we can never have too many LOL. I have worked with the company on our Rescues Rock project, at various events and on giveaways. We often receive Bullwrinkles and Treats from them for free. Kilo absolutely LOVES them and I love the benefits and the company.
You can see other gifts he might like in our full Gift Guide for Dogs.
Giveaway- Enter Below to Win.

Grand Prize: 1 CleverPet Hub
3 Secondary Prizes Value $350: Winner’s choice of Amazon, PetSmart or Etsy Gift Card
1 x $200 1 x $100 1 x $50
I wish I could enter as I’d love to win the CleverPet Hub or the Gift Cards to buy great Gifts in time for Christmas.
Dates: Nov. 27 – Dec 8th, 2017. Don’t miss out.
This is a Blog Hop & Giveaway so check out these amazing pet blogs linked below for more gift inspiration.
Please note I am not participating in the bonus social media giveaways.
Enter the Giveaway on each blog for more chances to WIN!
he likes biscuits and crunchy treats
I like to give my pets homemade treats during the holidays. I look up recipes so they can have a good treat!
I give them cookies for dogs
We usually find a seasonal crunchy treat – often pumpkin or cranberry. And they love chews like WHIMZEES and bully sticks!
I like to buy holiday chewies on clearance and give them out year-round
My cat like treats and by dog bones.
We just give our dog whatever is healthy/on sale.
Coco doesn’t get any special holiday treats because she has a lot of allergies. So I just give her the regular treats she eats.
I get different kinds of treats. I’ve yet to find one that she didn’t like.
Cookie treats
My pet likes all different types of treats, especially crunchy ones!
Our cat, Forrest, has a crooked paw since birth. She’s awesome though and can do anything any other cat can do. We got her a sock full of toys and catnip/treats but we want to try to get her a cat tree as well since we recently moved and she can’t reach any of the windows to look outside!
Yo gotta admit this looks so cool
The pups love homemade pupcakes and treats made with canned food, oats and cranberries.
I usually bake them some biscuits and give them fresh marrow bones.
We give our cat fish and chicken treats and canned foods.
I always give my cat coco cookies for cats
Honestly, all of these would be great!!
My dog gets dog cookies from a local dog bakery and also a new bone filled with peanut butter!
One of the treats we give our dog is Benny Bully liver treats.
We love those too!
I like to give him some bones.
My cats like crunchy treats so I make homemade ones and I can control the ingredients.
I give them each a candy cane shaped dog bone.
Treats toys and games are great rotti toys
I give my daughters dog..Doggie treats!
They don’t get special food treats (aside from their usual), but I did buy my cats a Meowbox subscription last year. They love it.
I give my cat chicken and fish treats. He loves them!
My cat loves all types of treats so we always look for something new and different at Christmas for her.
I bought a doggy advent calendar this year and i’m so excited to give my old girl a new treat every morning in December when the kids get theirs! 😀
We bake special cookies for him
Regular cat treats, got some new ones 🙂
my dog loves treats
A little piece of cheese.
Penny likes barnyard bonanza treats
My cat gets a fresh box of catnip!
I don’t usually buy “special” treats for my pets at christmas – I usually just get them their usual ones (Pure Bites).
I get him some smoked bones at the butchers.
Kilo the Pug as well LOL
My dog looooves treats! He is so food-motivated!
Turkey is a favourite for my pet.
I usually pick up a canister of the Instant bone broth this time of year. My cat and dog both love it.
We do a mini stocking for each of our cats. This year I got each of them a carton of catsip and 2 small cat toys. I also got one of those donut shaped toys with the mouse inside of it
I give my cat Temptations.
They get some frozen whole cranberries
my beagle will eat anything
I buy my cat a bag of treats.
We usually buy the dog some homemade treats for the holidays.
The kids and I love making home made treats for our furry little friends 🙂 & the kitties love Temptations!!
My dog loves liver treats and chicken jerky.
We just do special treat for our dogs!
I get my pet a few bags of treats for the holiday.
I get my pets a stocking full of toys.
Galen gets safe leftovers (white meat, plain sweet potatoes, and he loves cranberries). I also wait for holiday treats to go on sale because he enjoys them anytime.
I used to get cat toys and treats every Christmas for my kitties. This will be the first year since 1998 that I won’t have a kitty to treat.
I feed my babies Greenies
Usually treats that are on sale.
We usually give my cats some catnip and new toys. This year we bought them a new cat tree!
Thank for the great giveaway. I love my pups so much. Would love to get them something cool.
I am making Layla for Hanukkah 🙂 Doggy latkes
My cat likes the Ciao Churu Tuna, so I will probably get her a few of those as a treat.
I would give give him some toys.
We make homemade sweet potato treats or dehydrated beef strips
Yum- Kilo loves sweet potato and beef strips.
We always have some goodies wrapped up under the tree for the pets.
We have 4 pups. Check them out at on Instagram @njnowski = I love to show off my babies
I use the holidays as a time to through out old toys & bring in some new ones. I like the durability of JW Pet products.
My kitties love freeze dried treats. I like them because they’re a great healthy option for them.
Lots of turkey!
My bunny get lots of woven mats and tunnels that he can customize for himself.
Toys! Soft plush toys that squeak!
They just get their normal everyday treats.
I usually buy them special treats for Christmas, like some type of beef chew.
Cookies..crunchy and soft ones
Homemade dog doggy peanut butter cookies!
I get them big cans of wet food sometimes. We gave them a tiny bit of turkey for Thanksgiving, too.
Me too.
I baked treats with yogurt, pumpkin and oats.
I like to give him handmade treats that my friend makes for him.
We give our dog some Bil Jac treats and new bones for Christmas.
Our dog Coco gets a new antler at Christmas.
I give my dog hot dogs as a treat.
Kilo the Pug LOVES hot dogs. I give him little pieces for high value training treats.
I always like to mix up what treats I give my pets. I am starting to make homemade ones and they seem to enjoy those more.
Luma love my homemade pumpkin treats, a nice rawhide type bone and safe holiday human foods 🙂
Sometimes I bake some special doggie biscuits for him, but most of the time I’ll just sneak some “human” food off my plate and give it to him under the kitchen table. It’s not too often that he gets turkey. 🙂
Fresh chicken breast and bully sticks!
Well, my dogs get treats all year long, but I try to make some special homemade ones for Christmas and often save aside some extra special store-bought items to give them on Christmas, too.
our dog loves crunchy treats
Candy cane shaped bones and new squeeky toys.
Rawhide bones shaped like candy canes
freshly made catnip toys !
Our dogs like getting a can of wet food for a change…
I don’t have a dog right now but I’m hoping to be a foster mom in the new year. I would love to make treats for my dog. Why not bake for them? We bake for our friends and relatives.
We usually make a special meal, like chicken. Also doggy cookies 😉
My girl gets homemade dog treats and fresh veggies.
I don’t give my cat something that’s specifically holiday themed – but do get chewy grain-free treats for her as a holiday gift!
Treats such as a variety of chews, canned food, and training treats 🙂
I like to get him some cute Christmas dog cookies and a new toy.
We give our dog holiday themed cookies!
We don’t tend to give our animals anything out of the ordinary on the holidays but for some reason, a lot of meat ends up jumping off of the dining tables.
LOL same at our tables
rawhides, bones, rosemary and lamb flavored treats.
I like to give my dogs glucosamine treats to take care of their joints.
She loves to get treats and a new toy.
She dont get anything sweet unfortunately but she does get extra beggin strips in her stocking 🙂
Mr. N likes all the meaty treats and cheese!
Biscuits, bones and stuffed toys
i give me doggies special cookies
my pup loves his denta-bones! 🙂
Kilo loves those too.
Homemade treats, An extra long walk with just him and I so he will not be rattled by all the fuss, hopefully he will sleep until our evening walk and playtime. Merry Christmas, a lovely website.
Thanks so much- Merry Christmas to you too. Enjoy the holidays.
Big bones from a local butcher
They love turkey, chicken and sweet potato.
I bake my own doggie safe treats for them and give them new balls.
My dog Sugar loves rawhide bones
We give them bits of meat from our holiday feasts in their own dinners.