3 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Our Pets
We are very excited this Wordless Wednesday to be celebrating our amazing relationship with dogs, and sharing a guest post by author and expert Marybeth Haines.
Why is it that we connect so strongly to our pets? What happens when we share the bond and connection that we do? Let’s talk about this.
1) Pets connect us to parts of ourselves we might not otherwise open up to be
Have you ever felt that you could be truly you with your dog? The way they look at you with trusting eyes saying that they do not care about physical aspects of life. They care about affection, love and connection.
Dogs do not judge nor criticize. They are unconditional in that they accept you for YOU. Just think for a moment on how powerful this connection becomes knowing that you are number one in their eyes.
2)Pets create calmness and healing
In my book The Power of Pets – 7 Effective Tools to Heal From Pet Loss, I share about Ernie Slone, Editor of DOG Fancy, DogChannel.com.
Ernie has two therapy dogs, Gordon and Gypsy who visit patients in hospitals. They have touched the lives of more than 21,000 people. Patients who have been depressed start to smile or when end of life is near, some patients pass with peacefulness knowing their life was touched by these amazing souls called dogs. The evidence is clear – pets heal.
3) Pets bring us GIFTS
How many times has your dog made you laugh, smile or take a deep breath of relaxation? Has he/she ever brought you from anxiousness to calmness or from sadness to happiness?
These are all gifts. Picture in your mind’s eye a box that is beautifully wrapped and inside this box are gifts from your pet. This box holds the sounds of laughter, playtime and love. It is a gift that will always be with you in your heart and memory.
Closing thought: Pets are for life. Let’s honour, remember and celebrate!
Marybeth Haines is a grief consultant and educator, and the author of The Power
of Pets – 7 Effective Tools To Heal From Pet Loss. Her specialized focus is providing
support in pet bereavement. She holds the strong belief that pets can teach people
many things about life and so can the grief associated with their death. Marybeth
empowers people to make choices that promote action, personal growth and
healing. Website: www.authormarybethhaines.com
Mom says pets are so great for so many reasons. We really help humans with mood, bonding, just so many things. We are a great reason to get up and going in the morning too 🙂 Happy WW!
Agreed! They are always there with a wag and a lick when you need it most. 🙂
What great words to share the many things pets give to us! 🙂
I think the calmness, the laughter, and the peace are so amazing. DH and I were discussing that very thing just yesterday. You can be stressed out, but you spend time just relaxing with the dogs and you feel better.
It’s really amazing how much they can help us. Just petting a dog lowers blood pressure, plus all the amazing benefits they have as therapy and service dogs. We have lots to learn from them!
Isn’t it amazing the health benefits pets give to us? An absolutely gift 🙂
They do give us sooooo many gifts. I feel very blessed to be a dog mum.
Being a dog mum is one of the best feelings in the world! Please say hello to your furry ones from me! 🙂
Great great post!!!!
Loved this!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Thanks! Marybeth Haines is awesome and The Power of Pets – 7 Effective Tools To Heal From Pet Loss, is a great read. 🙂
Very true!
Glad you agree. Three cheers for our pets! 🙂
I agree, totally! Pets are just amazing aren’t they? Gotta love ’em 🙂
They really are Kia! Just amazing! 🙂
We definitely laugh more with Mr. N in the house for sure!
Lol! Laughter is such a great “medicine” especially when it gets created from Mr. N I bet! 🙂
A great big thank you for this opportunity to share and post here at Talent Hounds! What an honour it is to be connected with everyone! – Marybeth Haines
Agreed! Pets are wonderful for so many reasons! I feel sorry for people who have never had the love of a pet!
The love of a pet is an amazing type of love. They really are wonderful for so many reasons!
Great post! My dogs brighten my day each and every day. I love them dearly!
So great to hear! A big hello to you and your awesome dogs! 🙂
Those are great life lessons and so true.
Thanks JoAnn. It’s so great to have pets bring us together 🙂
I can’t imagine life without my dogs. They complete me. ♥
Beautifully said M.K. 🙂
Pug is definitely a therapy dog for me. He has helped me get through a lot.
That’s so awesome to hear Andrea! Please say Hi to Pug 🙂
So very, very true!
Glad you agree. We can learn a lot from animals 🙂
I can’t imagine not having a pet. They always help improve my mood and keep me calm. Life wouldn’t be as amusing without them 🙂
I agree with you. Having a pet bring us so much. As you said, life wouldn’t be amusing without them. I love that! 🙂
This is what my dogs mean to me….
What My Dogs Bring
My dogs bring me so much joy into my life; when down and out they are always there for me whether in sprit or in life. Dogs bring so much joy to ones life only dog’s lovers would understand the bond they bring and give us all.
Dogs help us get through things in life that no one could ever understand unless they them self are going through it; whether if you have lost a loved one; your dog will be there to help comfort you in so many ways.
Dogs give us so much in life that we all should stop and think about what has your dog done for you lately? My dogs bring so much joy into my life that I couldn’t image life without them.
Beautiful words Marcy. Thanks for sharing!
Marcy, you shared it beautifully! Thank you for that 🙂
Agree Marybeth – thank you so much!