How to Live Better and Love Like A Dog

It’s been a crappy few months, full of negative media, protests, violence, work stress, health issues, weather issues and a broken sewer pipe. People seem to be sharing hate and prejudice rather than hope and smiles. Last week, I woke up to Kilo’s enthusiastic face – a new day, no grudges, all love. He was so happy my business trip was canceled because of a snowstorm and I could spend time with him. The next day, I was watching dogs playing at a Pug Rescue event. Pugs do seem to really like other pugs – but these pugs didn’t care where anyone came from or about the color of their coats. They were just dogs being dogs. Having fun, making friends, sniffing butts, looking for treats, and playing.
Let’s All Get Along Like Dogs Do Video
I commented to my brilliant friend, songwriter Jeff Butler, that it’s a pity we can’t all be more like dogs. I added that I’d love to see more positive messages and videos in my feed. Jeff responded by writing me a delightfully cheesy, mushy, optimistic song to cheer me up. I love it and thought it just might bring a smile to other people too, especially dog lovers.
The song has a lot more ways we can take a cue from man’s best friend, but scroll down for:
10 Things We Can From Learn From Dogs About How To Be Better People.
1) Dogs aren’t afraid to voice their needs and be themselves.
A dog won’t be shy about letting you know when he needs to go out, or be fed (in Kilo’s case all the time LOL), or when he is just happy to see you. We’re far too often told that our opinions or our wants and needs don’t matter. It’s time we all felt a bit more comfortable voicing them. Let’s all be ourselves and stand up for ourselves and others less fortunate.
2) Dogs remind us how to love who you’re with.
Some dogs are raised by single parents in a small apartment, while other dogs are raised with 5 brothers and sisters, cats, rabbits, and children- you name it. No matter what situation they are brought into, dogs constantly show us how adaptive and accepting they can be. We have featured devoted hero dogs who have even sacrificed themselves for their humans. Dogs love us unconditionally (although in Kilo’s case, he demands treats).
3) Dogs are very forgiving and don’t hold a grudge. #RescuesRock
At Talent Hounds, we work every day to share with you the inspiring stories of amazing dogs who have been rescued from horrible situations and physical abuse (like Puppy Mills) and given a second chance at happiness. More often than not, these stories end with remarkable turnarounds on the dog’s part. We see rescue dogs rescuing the rescuer and building an amazing bond. Their ability to love and trust even after hardships reminding us that we could all stand to forgive a bit easier and more often. Let’s not hold grudges. Let’s be more optimistic and kind to each other.
4) Gender, Color, and Sexuality don’t matter at the dog park.
Dogs will be dogs and while of course, we all know a few pooches who don’t play so well with others, when you get down to it, most dogs embrace friends of all types. It’s really about what’s on the inside, and with dogs, that usually means a heart of gold!
5) Dogs don’t discriminate. There’s only one kind of race they care about.
And it’s got nothing to do with the color of their human’s skin or their doggy friend’s breed. It’s about that treat, ball, stick, or tug toy, or the hug from their human waiting across the finish line.
6) Dogs persevere in the face of adversity.
Many of the dogs we have featured come from troubled pasts or have physical disabilities. What makes them so inspiring is the way that they come out on the other side stronger and full of fresh dog-like hope for the future. They do lure courses in a wheelchair like Boomer or scent work with no eyes like Arthur. They work as therapy dogs and make people smile like Smiley the Blind Therapy Dog. Don’t let life’s curveballs knock you out of the game completely.
7) Dogs are always quick to take every opportunity in their pursuit of happiness.
Sometimes it can be a bit of an issue, but dogs, especially puppies, are great leaders when it comes to seizing the day. Does that bone look delicious? Eat it. Does that puddle look fun? Jump right in. Don’t hesitate to grab hold of life’s little pleasures, we all deserve happiness.
8) Dogs see possibilities, not disabilities.
We love this quote from “Speak for the Unspoken” Dog Rescue. Dogs with varying abilities like Smiley the Blind Therapy Dog or KenZee (deaf) are amazing at inspiring kids with disabilities. Service Dogs help people with mobility, sight, hearing or other issues. The dogs don’t judge or care. They make the most of life and make other people’s lives better. A dog isn’t going to love you any less because of your issues or abilities. In fact, they’re probably going to be all too happy to lend a helping paw whenever you need it and we should do the same.
9) Dogs don’t care where you’re from – a dog loves you for you, not what you have or where you’ve been.
Much like not seeing your race or ability a dog doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor, if you’re a refugee or a rescue dog from Qatar (like my business partner’s dog Rocky) or if you have lived on the same block since the day you were born.
10) Dogs bring people together and spread joy and happiness.
It’s almost impossible to quantify the amount of love and happiness that dogs put out into this world. They bring us together at the dog park, at events and online. They unselfishly make our lives better in so many ways. If we all just embraced each other a little more, tried to be kind to others and let ourselves smile and laugh even through the hardest of times, perhaps we could eventually learn to love like dogs and spread that love instead of hate.
“What a Beautiful world it would be if people had hearts like dogs.”
“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” – Josh Hillings
These are some awesome points. I really like #9.
Agree, the world would be a much more peaceful and beautiful place if humans were more like dogs. I am most amazed at a dog’s ability to forgive – even dogs who have hurt so badly by humans.
Yes- you highlight that in your The Specials series which I love!
This is such a wonderful message and I love the song! And it’s true that dogs bring us together. We need more of that these days.
Thanks Amy!
What a wonderful post and video. We can learn a lot about kindness from our pets. <3
Thanks Tonya. Could not agree more.
What a great post and fun song. I loved the dogs hugging each other in the video (and pictures, too). We all could learn a lot from dogs!
Wonderful lessons we would all be happier living by. I think I’ll write them down and keep them handy to refer to them. Dogs and cats have definitely made my life fuller and have been good for my soul.
Great post and video! You’re are so right – we could all learn about living and loving by taking lessons from our dogs.
I think we need to be more like our cats – demanding and diva like!!
No wait – that would not make us popular and well loved would it *g* We need to look to our pets for role models in how to deal with the worst our society throws at us. Their ability to be patience, kind and forgiving (unlike some people we all know) should make tham heroes to us all! Pets need to run our government, just keep an eye on the treat budget!
I love cats but I think politics would be even more comedic if my cats had been in charge LOL. Demanding and Diva like is true. That said they were very loving and loyal. I’d just like straight shooters and a lot of positive.
What a great post! We can all learn a thing or two from our dogs, imagine what the world would be like! 🙂
What a perfect post. Dogs are such amazing animals for so many reasons, including what you’ve listed. I do wish humans could emulate the traits of our beloved four legged companions more often!
This is just perfect. Great timing & a great message! Dogs really do know how to live and love way better than we do! I love your photos, I have to Pin them all.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
You’re a wise one!
Gorgeous photos! The people I admire most are the ones who have the traits you’ve described here. Whether in people, dogs, cats, or other animals, they’re great ones to strive for. Thanks for the cheerful post in a time of negativity and hate.
My absolute favorite: Dogs are always quick to take every opportunity in their pursuit of happiness. I agree – humans need to seek out happiness more. This is one of the key takeaways from sharing my life with dogs. Absolutely great post!
Dogs seem much more accepting than some cats I know. I grew up with dogs and I love to interact with my family’s dogs.
They cheer us up when we’re blue! Mr. N has been a great nurse these past few weeks, napping with me and acting like a hot water bottle.
Humans could definitely learn some things about love from dogs and cats! I know that I’ve learned a lot about loving and relaxing from my cats. This should be required reading material for everyone out there hating on everyone!
I love the photos of the dogs hugging it out. They are experts on love and acceptance. I own a pet care business, so I work with dogs and cats all day every day. They are my teachers and my inspiration, and I will always be indebted to them for all they’ve taught me about love, and life.
Love it. Dogs are … the Liberals of the animal kingdom! LOL
My dogs make my life better! I wish more people were as accepting and loving as dogs.
I believe that is so true, dogs have hearts of gold. I love my poodles.
Over the past few months, when the news or Facebook got too hateful, I turned it off and hugged my cats. Animals definitely bring us joy and we can learn a lot from them if we just pay attention.
Congrats on your video being selected as a Blog Paws Nose-to-Nose Awards Finalist! Thanks for sharing! The Basset in my household was rescued by my humans. Though I’ll never understand why she has an odor, she is a loyal friend. She protects my yard from intruders & is truly grateful that she has a forever home. Mew Mew!
Love this article & video…. Good luck at BlogPaws – it will be pawesome if you win your category & this video is played in full across the auditorium!!! Woofhoo!!
Thanks so much Annette. It would be so fun to share the message but we are just honoured to be nominated. I ‘t wait!