I _____________________________________________ consent to being recorded with my dog/s :
named _____________________________________________ .
I understand that my name, likeness, voice, performance and poses and those of my dog/s are being recorded by Hop To It Productions Inc. and BookShorts Inc (the “Producers”) on video cameras (the “Videos”) and by still cameras (the “Photos”) including, without limitation, voice, conversation, and sounds. I understand that the Videos, Photos and material recorded may be used for publicity, television show/s, DVDs, videos, public service announcements, Internet, mobile, print and all other media and means of exploitation.
I agree that the Producers shall be the exclusive owner of the results and proceeds of such Videos, Photos and recordings with the right, throughout the world, in perpetuity, to copyright, to use and to license others to use such Videos, Photos and recordings without any restrictions, in any and all manner and media and by any means of exploitation.
For clarity, the rights granted to the Producers shall include the exclusive right to produce one or more television series incorporating the Videos, Photos and/or recordings, sound recordings (such term includes any device by which sound may be recorded for later transmission to listeners), computer, multimedia and interactive products and other products and merchandise of any kind or incorporating the Videos, Photos and/or recordings (all of the foregoing collectively referred to as the “Creative Product”) and to exploit the Creative Product throughout the universe in perpetuity in all languages versions and in all manner and media of communication and trade whatsoever now known or in the future developed.
In addition, I hereby grant to the Producers the right to use my name, likeness and agreed biographical material in connection with any series or Creative Product and/or the business of the Producers, their affiliates, licensees and/or assigns. The Producers shall have the right to assign or license this Consent and Release or any of their rights or obligations under this Consent and Release to any other person or entity.
I agree that I shall receive no further compensation in connection with the Creative Product or the rights granted under this Consent and Release.
I absolve the Producers of any and all liability in connection with the Videos, Photos, recordings, or my performance under this Consent and Release, and any rehearsals related to such performance. I hereby release and hold harmless the Producers, their agents, directors, shareholders and employees from and against all causes of action, suits, liability, claims and demands whatsoever which I may have or which my heirs, executors, personal representative or assigns or any of them shall have arising out of the use of the Videos, Photos or recordings by the Producers, their agents, successors, licensees and assigns
I grant to the Producers complete discretion in how they edit and use the Videos, Photos and recordings, including but not limited to how they juxtapose any part of the Videos, Photos and recordings with any other film, change the sequences of events, questions posed and/or answers or dramatize persons or events featured in the Videos, Photos or recordings and how they choose to interrupt the Videos, Photos or recordings with commercial breaks or sponsorship, if applicable, and the timing and content of such commercial breaks or sponsorship messages. I acknowledge that Producer is under no obligation to use the Videos, Photos or recordings or to incorporate them in any Creative Product.
I hereby warrant that I am a resident of Ontario, Canada over the age of 18 years and have every right to contract in my own name in the above regard. I execute this Consent and Release freely and voluntarily with full understanding of its contents. I do not rely upon any representations made by the Producers other than as specifically set forth in this Consent and Release. The terms of this Consent and Release shall be binding upon me, my heirs, executors, personal representatives and assignees.
Dated at this day 2012
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Name (please print clearly) Signature
Address: Phone: